Wednesday, August 03, 2005


Today, I'll be brief.

The UN continues to declare that it wants control over the Internet and its governing body, ICANN. I continue to say "Bad Idea! BAD IDEA!"

The UN, like the US, was founded on noble ideas. However, even more so than the US, the UN has become a top-heavy bureaucracy. When a bureaucracy starts to perceive itself as more important than what it was created to serve, this is problematic. The UN is a prime example of this.

In addition, such a move would give an uncomfortable amount of control over our online free speech to UN Member-nations such as China, who routinely crack down on their own citizens and censor their national servers.

Although I tend not to put a lot of faith in my government: I put even less stock in the UN. The Internet is too valuable to hand over the reigns to someone just because they threaten to take their ball and go home!

We need to keep the Internet in the hands of American nonprofit organizations... Currently, it is the best path out of the avalible options.

Rock on, kids.


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