Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Region Locked

There is something about the X-Box 360 (as well as the original X-box, I have found, and many DVD-ROMs and DVD players) that seriously bugs me. It's called "Region Locking." Basically, certain DVD players, including those on computers and the various X-boxes, will only play DVD's from certain regions. In other words, if I have a DVD player locked for American DVD's, and I purchase a DVD coded for the Japan region while visiting Tokyo... I will be unable to play it on my DVD player.

Why? Well, I'll bet their excuse is "to prevent piracy," but it seems to me that the reason is because corporations are complete jackasses who love to fuck over their consumer base.

Now, I don't purchase games or DVD's from Japan... But this bugs me. I don't think I'll buy a 360 because of it.

Oh well. Rock on, kids.


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