Thursday, October 27, 2005

Wal-Mart: Always Low Benefits, Always!

"Hey, Knight, how are you?"
"I just got a DEER planted through my goddamn WINDSHIELD."

Deer are rock stupid sometimes. One just decided to use it's body to turn my pretty convex windshield into a not-so-pretty concave one. I hate losing my car to the repair shop for days... ARGH!

Okay, but onto the news: Varying news agencies have reported (Yahoo! News) that a Wal-Mart memo revealed that they're trying to figure out ways to cut employee benefits without harming their image...

CUT Employee benefits? To what? How can you cut something that's nearly noexistant? Maybe return to the Scrip system? Replace employee wages with store credit to reinforce company "loyalty?"

Now, I'm a bit tired (plus a fucking DEER just went through my car's WINDSHIELD), so I'll pick up this rant at another time after this final point:

Corporations like Wal-Mart are about the bottom line. Employees are just a line item. This is not an honest or fair system. By shopping at Wally-World, we're slowly self-poisioning our economy by purchasing cheap trash that also cost us manufacturing jobs due to outsourcing...

Basically... Shop local (When possible).

Rock on.


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