Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Eight Hours Rest, Eight Hours Recreation My Arse

So way back when, when people were trying to get labor laws enacted (concerning the eight-hour working day), the chant was "Eight Hours Work, Eight Hours Rest, Eight Hours Recreation!"

It was a good chant. I like that chant. Except it's not terribly accurate anymore.

My day is not eight hours work, eight hours rest, eight hours recreation.

It's nine hours work, one hour going to or from work, one hour getting ready for work, five hours of doing work that's not related to work, four hours of worrying about work, and four hours completly passed out (and usually dreaming about work).

And that's just me. Imagine the workaholics of the nation!

We need to reprioritize, I think. I really need more of the rest and recreation part of that chant.


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