Friday, August 05, 2005

An Excerpt from the Daily Show, with Jon Stewart

Jon Stewart has to be the single most honest newsman on the face of the earth. It also happens he is the funniest, which makes sense considering his show is on Comedy Central. It's odd that the same license that gives him the ability to crack jokes, also ends up making him the most informative!

An excerpt from a recent show:

Jon Stewart:

"Oh, Oil! Giver of power, corrupter of governments, non-sticker of surfaces... Must you taunt us with your slick, non-renewable goodness?

"Yes, energy is clearly an important topic with Americans. That's why, before going on recess, Congress broke a 4-year impasse by approving a massive energy bill. And while it did nothing to address our dependence on foreign oil... or fuel efficiency... or in any way simplify the strategic nature of our relationship with the Middle East, it does give oil and gas industries 500 million dollars for research and 2.7 billion dollars in tax breaks, even though a company like Exxon-Mobil made 7.6 billion dollars in pure profit just this last quarter... And by quarter I mean three months.

"Now, you might find the idea of the government using billions of taxpayer dollars to subsidize the oil companies as the antithesis of private, free-market capitalism. You are wrong..."

CLIP: Representative Joe Barton, R-Texas:

"This bill is based on the premise that we believe in private, free-market capitalism to develop the resources of this land in a cost-efficient manner."

Jon Stewart:

"Oh my God we have a winner! Congratulations, Representative Joe Barton, you have achieved a lie-to-word ratio of one-to-one!"

In my opinion: Stewart needs a primetime show, cross-broadcasted on one of the major broadcast networks, in the EXACT same format it’s in now. It would go a long way toward restoring my faith in the media, having someone so honest (And funny!) as a centerpiece of the news.

It’ll never happen though, which is why I remain a cynic.


At 6:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jon Stewart is too HONEST to be on regular TV. He scares the politicians.

I can't be more specific. I'm up too early on too little sleep.


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