Work is something I try to avoid mention of during the course of blogging, but today it's all I really have. There’s other stuff I want to blog on, but I don’t have the time.
I work for a software company, and we're involved in a "crunch time" situation. Product release is next week, so we have to work like mad to get everything done.
I was reviewing my ETC's (estimated time to completion) which represent how much time I need, and then thought about how much time I ACTUALLY have, and realized that "Time Needed" exceeded "Time Available."
By, you know, about two weeks.
Well, we can't have that. I sort of dig gainful employment, so I had to do something I didn't really want to do. Work at home. On my free time.
I could stay at the office, but I don't get paid overtime, after all, since I'm salaried. No point in it, all I'd be accomplishing is having to drive home in the dark, and probably end up with another deer through my windshield. So I bring my stuff home and work on my own PC in the comfort of my own abode. I can't do everything here than I can do there, but I can do enough paperwork and stuff to cut my time down by a good margin.
So here I am. And what am I doing? Procrastinating.
It reminds me of college, really. Only without the alcohol, women, and anything resembling fun. God, I miss college.
Oh well. Time to return to the work.
Rock on, kids.
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