Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Obsessed with the Numbers? Me?!

A comment on my previous post accused me of being obsessed with numbers! Can you believe that? Man, if I had a quarter for every time someone said that, I would have $89.75. Pfft. Obsessed with numbers. Sheesh!


Okay, so I admit it! I have a fascination for statistics! Not that my college statistics professor would think that, as I fell asleep in his class nine times out of ten ... but it was early and he can't modulate his voice so I fell asleep. Amusingly enough, two of my friends in that class often took bets on how fast it would take me to doze off.


But numbers are fun! When used plainly, they are Truth! Where else, but mathematics, can you have an answer you are 100% sure of? Not in many places, I tell ya!

Not that I'm good at math. I bombed advanced calculus in math, for example. I had to get a tutor just to squeak by. But there was a bonus to that: My tutor was cute.

But seriously: I'm in the computer industry. Numbers and mathematics are inexorably tied in. It's inescapable. I'm stuck in a numerical quagmire! Ah well.

Since I'm bored:

KnightErrant by the numbers!

Life Expectancy:

The average life-expectancy of a current-day male is 28,489 days. Give or take.

As of this posting, I have been alive 9,003 days (damn, I stopped paying attention and missed my 9,000'th day celebration! No really, I was actually waiting for that.)

If all goes well and I make it to the average lifespan of a current-day male, I have about 19,486 days left in me.

I haven't taken a sick day in 7 years. My last cold was 2 years ago. I may make it to that 28,000+ day mark, after all.


After college, it took me 2.5 years to land a job worth having. I have 3 pointless jobs in the interim; 0 of which paid well, 1 of which I mildly enjoyed and 1 I flat out hated. I was unemployed for a total of eight months out of the thirty. I sent approximately 100 résumés, had seven failed interviews, and only got back about four rejection letters.

I sent four résumés and had two interviews with the company I work for now. They rejected me the first time through, and it took me a further nine months to get the second interview.

I started my current job 119 days ago. In all, 87 of the 119 have been work-days. So approximately 739.5 hours have been spent at work, with 652.5 of them slaving away at my PC. 87 hours have been spent at lunch. I have three days left until my 90 day review. I am in a state of mild panic. I would like to keep this job for at least 730 - 1,460 days. Maybe more. More would be good.


I got my previous car to about 197,000 miles before my mechanic refused to reinspect it. I was less than 3,000 miles from getting it to 200,000. :(

My current car has approximately 92,000 miles on it. It is 5,000 miles overdue for an oil change. Oops.

I have paid $0 to buy cars. :-p

I have, however, placed a few thousand dollars total in keeping the damn things running.


I spend in excess of $4,000 a year on computers, video games, comics, books, Dungeons and Dragons, Magic cards, CD's, DVD's, magazines, gizmos, knickknacks, snackage, booze, and other pointless crap I shouldn't buy.

Speaking of comics, I recently learned a comic I purchased when I was five (and subsequently managed to destroy) had a current day value of $1,600 had I kept it in excellent condition and had it graded. I almost cried.

I spend approximately $25 a week on lunch. I need to stop going out and pack PB&J or something.

Recently, I have also been spending $30 a week for gasoline. Damn that OPEC!


I graduated college with a 3.1 GPA. It would've been higher, but I suck at math and foreign language.

My lowest test grade during the four years of school was a 17% F. Feel free to laugh.

I still managed to pass that class with a C.

I took out $0 in student loans. Thank you, Mr. Scholarship!

Completely Random

My batting average is .500.

I have 4 computers, 2 phones, 2 cell phones (neither one works, stupid coverage areas), 2 TV’s, 4 video game consoles, 1 stereo, 2 swords, 1 guitar, 1 drum set, 1 trumpet, and 1 piano.

When I was a kid, the highest number of pets we had was 17 cats, 2 dogs, 4 birds, 4 goldfish, 7 hamsters (bought one, and it ended up being pregnant), 1 box turtle, and a ghost shrimp. Yes, I said "Ghost Shrimp."

Currently, my parents have 1 dog and 4 cats.

Botany-wise, I've managed to kill 1 bonsai tree. I've gone back to cacti, as they're harder to kill.

My personal library has over 500 books in it (An exact calculation would take way too much time). I want more.

1 have 3 stone gargoyles in my bedroom. They freak some people out, and I find that funny.

I own 1 painting. It's of a knight.

It took me 1 hour 24 minutes to compile this list. It is four typed pages long. I misspelled 16 words in total. I misspelled “approximately” 100% of the time I attempted to type it, including this one.

This is my fifty-second Blog post.

And I still have nothing relevant to say. :P


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