Sunday, June 19, 2005

Swordfighting Is Excellent Exercise.

Well, holy sweet mother of potatos, it's been almost a week since I last wrote in this thing!

I remember when I wrote in it every single day. Of course, that just made a whole lot of crap pile up in the blog that had nothing to do with anything. But I digress:

Recently, my cousin and I have taken up swordfighting. Fencing, Kendo, randomly hitting each other with practise weapons... Whole nine yards.

Why? That's asking the wrong question. I always prefer why not? It's fun.

It's also very... Tiring. We managed not to injure each other (not permanantly, anyways. My limp is pretty much gone, and my cousin's hand has regained most of it's flexibility) but we do get fairly exhausted after a few rounds. If I had known how good of exercise it was, I would have picked it up a long time ago.

Beats the hell out of baseball.

But I gotta go get an icepack. Rock on.


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