Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Computational Goodness

Firstly, I'd like to say I hope everyone had a pleasant Holiday. Welcome to the week where jack shit gets done, because next weekend is New Year's.

It is also apparently a week that is out to get me. You know it's gonna be a good time when everything is so iced over, you literally cannot get out of your driveway. I sat today spinning my wheels, because all the snow and ice melted in the slightly warmer weather and promptly refroze as night fell. It took me forty five minutes, a shovel, two pieces of plywood, and a lot of patience to chip enough ice away that I could get some traction and get out to get to work. As I was doing this, I could think of nothing but the ridiculousness of the situation. (Stupid dirt driveway.)

Also today, I misplaced the RFID keyfob I use to clock into work. Having to knock on windows to get people's attention to get in, while also being very late? Yeah, that's a good time... (Hmm, still need to look for that stupid fob...)

Secondly, I made a post a few days ago reporting that the DHS roughed up some college kid over requesting a copy of the Little Red Book. Well, he's been found out. The story was fraudulent. I WAS TRICKED! Who makes shit up like that? What a dickhead.

I suppose the scariest part about it was how easy it was to believe. We live in a time where our President has admitted that he ordered the NSA to spy on Americans, and expects us to thank him for it. So the idea that DHS agents were checking library book lists for people reading "Un-American" items seemed rather credible.

It's sad it's come to that, really. I wish I had read it and been able to think with a clear conscious that it was a load of bullshit, but so much doubt has been cast upon our government that I didn't even blink. I was outraged, but not even really surprised. It was just so plausible. And the fact that everyone believed it off the bat does not bode well for how America views its government at the current time.

Lastly, I don't really enjoy being perpetually single, but there are benefits. For example, not having to justify myself to anyone when I drop $1600 on a brand spanking new PC. Mwah ha. 3800+ AMD Venice-core processor. 2 gigabytes of Corsair DDR-400 RAM. GeForce GTX 7800 Video Card. 320 Gigabytes of harddrivey goodness. And a power supply that puts off so much juice I could probably use it as a space heater in winter.

I spent $170 on the case. Why the hell did I spend $170 on a gorgeous Fulltower, when I could've gotten a good Midtower for $100 less? Because I could, that's why. The fucker has enough room for six hard drives for God's sake. Two 120 mm fans! Everything lights up! It's awesome! I just wish I had thought to check how tall my hutch was before I bought the case though, because it's actually an inch and a half too big to fit into my desk. Nothing that taking a hammer to my desk won't fix though.

Also, I really don't want to buy a new system for at least five years so this sucker is designed for a bit of adaptability. My current configuration can take up to 4 gigs of ram, and supports SLI if I feel like dropping another $450 on a second GTX. Fulltower leaves me a lot of room to play, and it even has a motherboard tray for ease-of-swapout when it comes time to upgrade the mobo and CPU.

Mmm. SLI. That’s gonna be fun. I think I’ll do that sooner rather than later.

Okay, I know out of my three readers, two of you don't give a shit, so I'll stop rambling about my computer now. Sorry. I'm a big dork and I love my Tech. I figure I buy a new system every five years (and upgrade here and there as time passes), and my next system will be when I'm thirty. By that time, I'll probably be Mr. Family Man, looking for El-Cheepo PC to run spreadsheets on to figure out my mortgage. Brr. Scary.

This is my last Gaming rig, and I wanted it to do everything but make me breakfast in the morning. Don't worry though, I promise I'll try not to do so much upgrading that it becomes self aware and takes over the world. ;)

(What is really sad is five years from now, I will read the specifications I just posted and chuckle. I occasionally chuckle at the computer I bought when I was fifteen. 166 MHz Pentium, man! 16 Megs of RAM... which I promptly upgraded to 32! A 3.1 GB hard drive! Uber1337, man! Uber1337! Ahh, the technology of the mid 1990's. Good times.)

Anyway, I'm done. I need to go look for my keyfob so I can actually get into work without banging on the door tomorrow.

Rock on.


At 9:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

sweet-ass computer!



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