Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Hey, Where Did I Go?

I don't know either! Just never seemed to get around to updating it these past few days. Which is a real pity, because I actually have some decent essays burning around in my brain, and all you guys (my blessed three readers!) get is gibberish.

But five things I have learned on my unintentional hiatus:

1) Stitches itch. To answer Leigh Ann's question of "What the heck?" to my last rambling post, I had a biopsy done to the top of my skull. Stitches and cauterization. Blah! The cauterization, i.e. the thing that sounded like an electric arc welder being used on my skull, stung a bit. And the stitches itch.

2) I am not done with homework. I seriously thought my homework days were done after I graduated college. As I sat redoing scripts at my desk at home yesterday, I realized that I was really, really wrong.

3) Apparently, I need more sleep. Tonight will have marked the fourth time in about a week I basically dropped dead at 7 o’clock. Evidently my body is not appreciative of my current four hours of sleep a night.

4) Murphy’s Law is still in effect. As is evident by me breaking the hood release lever on my car minutes before I was supposed to take it in to have the oil changed. Stupid cheap plastic.

5) Escapa! Flash games are awesome. Play this! Sometimes it’s the simple games that are the most addicting. Also, if you beat 41.25 seconds, you beat my current best score.

Okay, so that wasn’t really something that was particularly illuminating, but I didn’t have a fifth thing to say. So just play the game already!

Anyway, back to bed. Rock on, kids.


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