Thursday, April 28, 2005


It should be known that I am a dedicated pessimist by general life philosophy. Many cannot understand why I would always look to the negative. The reason behind it is remarkably simple:

Every time I try to look at the bright side of things, I end up getting royally fucked. If I believed in Fate as an anthromorphic entity, I would think that the bitch hates my guts for some yet undefined reason.

To put it another way, every time I allow the candle of hope to flicker within my soul, some bastard snuffs the flame, breaks the candle in half, and then beats me senseless with the candlestick.

The event that brought me so forcefully back into my pessimism was a simple conversation.

Ever had a chat with someone that somewhere along the line of the conversation you suddenly became the bad guy, and all you could say is “What the fuck just happened?”

Yep, I just had one of those oh so pleasant experiences. It went from witty banter to me being a stand-in for the Antichrist in a remarkably short time. I didn’t even track what happened until I was already too far into it for me to extradite myself from it.

Sometimes, I’ve found, that people are so sensitive about certain topics that express ANY view, and it will always be taken the wrong way. And when they bring up the topic on a tangent, it just ends up being a landmine for the unwary.

Boom. I’m dead.

Ah well. Little things like this make me just never look at the bright side of things. Yeah, it may be depressing, but I can take solace in the Pessimist’s Credo:

As a Pessimist, I am either always right or pleasantly surprised.

But that’s all I got for tonight, kids. So ‘til next time, rock on.


At 2:17 AM, Blogger Stevie said...

Move to the bible belt. Say a word, and I mean anything from blue green algae to I don't know daisy, and they are on you like flies to a carcass which is what you are when they are done with you. However I find it talented that they can insult you with the term "bless his/her heart".


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