Sunday, April 24, 2005

Too Much Cheese and a Rant on News

This... Is a LOT of cheese.

Man, sucks to be whatever poor bastards who have to clean THAT up.


You notice how news can rarely be good these days? It is usually something like to be "NINE HUNDRED PEOPLE DIE HORRIBLE PAINFUL DEATHS... FILM AT 11!" with the film being OF the nine hundred people and the news dude in the background going "Sweet! I'm on the fast track to network now!"

Alternatively, it could be something really stupid like "MAN MARRIES HIS CAMARO!" They usually are somewhat amusing, but also typically result in decently intelligent people losing just a little more faith in the human race.

Next, there is all that celebrity related stuff. Like "BRITNEY ATE GRILLED CHEESE FOR DINNER LAST NIGHT!" I really never understood why people insist that they must know EVERYTHING about a famous person's life. How does knowing a celeb's favorite food and middle name HELP anyone? The likelihood of a typical drooling-idiot fan being asked out to lunch by the object of their hero-worship is ... slim ... It is, by all accounts, the #1 reason why I would never elect to be famous. It would get ...tiresome. And in any case, eventually hero-worship turns into hero-destroying. Some useless little thing in their past (that if they WEREN'T famous wouldn't really matter...) comes back and everyone acts all surprised that the famous people are something other than human. (Not that I feel particularly sorry for them, in most cases.)

Lastly, there are the "Heartwarmers." These usually are little stories (typically shown at the very end of the broadcast to end "on a lighter note"). They aren't really helpful, they just make people go "Aww, isn't that CUTE?!" Like puppies. Or kittens. Or babies. Or a baby with a puppy and a kitten.

In short, most modern news contains absolutely nothing of use. The typical broadcast is "Death, destruction, mayhem, stupid people, celebrities, celebrities, weather, sports, death, death, baby with puppy and kitten."

Nothing remotely useful. Nothing to bring any sort of hope. Not even real balance anymore. Nothing but excessive fear mongering, hero-worship (or hero destroying), stupid people, and then cute stuff at the end.


Oh well, I know that was pretty pointless in and of itself. But it's my blog and I'll rant if I want to. :-P

So 'til next time, rock on!


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