Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Proving My Point...

A short one for tonight.

Proving my point about the news being useless and heartless in almost all respects, Ananova had two listings under "Quirkies" (as in supposedly funny stories) that aren't exactly funny. First one was the Japanese train accident.

Yep, ninety people die. Ha ha, so funny!

(Note: It has since been removed from Quirkies. Shouldn't have been there in the first place, assholes.)

Second, "Man wakes up with knife in face.

Yep, I would think it was hi-freaking-larious to wake up with a knife imbedded in my face a few inches from my eye!

Seriously. What the hell?

Oh well. I'm done. So 'til next time, rock on.


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