Thursday, March 31, 2005

The Argument with Hello Bloggerbot

I don't know if it's just me... which it probably is... but the Hello Bloggerbot that is supposed to be all handy-dandy for uploading image files to Blogger just suffers javascript errors trying to do so for me.

I was going to upload an image from that website I talked about yesterday. The image was of a smiley-face sun that had the caption "Nothing here is public domain! Shed the light on copyright!"

I figured that would be the most ironic one to swipe to prove my point. But the Java errors have denied me my satisfaction. It seems to work, but when I try to edit and post the photo, Blogger just declares There were errors.

Well shit, that's not right.

Ah well. I'm pooped and I really don't feel like struggling with it. This is nothing a good ole Flickr account won't cure.

But I'm going to make it short today. I'm dead tired and still have more work to do. So 'til next time, rock on.


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