Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Easiest Way to Make Your Website SUCK

I was kind of wondering what I was going to blog about this evening, but since I fell asleep for most of the time between walking through the door and now, I didn't really have time to launch into the political and ethical tirade I planned on. So I was sitting here stumped, and just sat down and browsed the web. I found rant fodder very quickly.


So I was looking up a map of Canada (Don't ask why, long story), and I went and clicked the good ole right mouse button so I could open a link in a new window. Instead, I got a popup box saying:

"Function Disabled."


Of course, I knew what the lame-ass idiot was trying to do. "Oh me oh my, I need some way to stop people from stealing my precious graphics! I better disable a ton of useful right-click functionality just so people don't take them!"


A brief internet lesson for you folks who don't know about the Internet.

The content does not magically stay ON the internet. Every web page you see is stored on your computer in the internet cache. Yes, that's right! Everything you see on this webpage, for example, has been downloaded from the internet and dutifully stored on your very own PC! Which means if I want an image bad enough, I can search my computer or dig through my cache and find the stupid picture!

Furthermore, even if you didn't know about the internet cache... Have you ever heard of the Print Screen button?! You see, there is this nifty button on every standard keyboard called "Print Screen." If you hit "Print Screen..." Guess what? It copies an image of what is ever on your screen to your clipboard. Then, you can go into Paint (or another image editor of your choice), click "paste", and voila! You have an image!

And... Hell, I could just print the damn thing out!

Which means that trying to circumvent it by not allowing right clicks is a slow-witted and simple-minded idea! There are between ten and sixteen commands avalible from the right-click with web browsers, and you're disabling them all to keep us from using one?

Firstly, you suck. Secondly, you're a fucktard. Thirdly, limiting people's options is BAD DESIGN.

Just because I now hate the website and, by extension, the web designer, tomorrow when I'm feeling more ambitious, I will dig through my internet cache and post a bunch of his images here. Not for any particular reason, just because anyone that disables right-clicking sucks.


Ahh. I feel better now.

Well, that's all I got. So 'til next time, rock on.


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