Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Contact Info and the Hunt for the Chocolate Dinosaur

First off, I wanted to remain more or less unknown for bloggin' purposes, so I recently set myself up an E-mail account solely for this blog. So in other words, if you got a problem with me or my blog and don't want to put it in the Comments section (or nice things! Those are good too!) then sent your mail to: modernknighterrant#gmail.com

Of course, replace the "#" with "@". I did that to reduce the amount of spam that gets sucked in via computer crawlers dutifully recording every email addy they find. It probably won't work for long, but any delaying tactic helps, right?

That, and if you can't figure out that you need to switch out the # for a @, then I don't want you e-mailing me anyway.

So in other news, work still goes slow, but I can at least claim accomplishments for the day. Man, though, it went a lot smoother a few weeks back. When it rains, it pours, I suppose.

I don't like it when it does not go smoothly. Makes the day longer.

One funny thing that happened today. We had some clients walking through our cubefarm, taking a peek at how "professional" we are or some-such. (No, that's not the funny part.) Suddenly, from the middle of the cube-farm someone yells "Jedi Master! HII-YAH!"

Man, talk about timing. Half a dozen QC were sitting there trying their damnest not to crack up in front of suddenly befuddled clients. It was the bright spot of my day.

If you work in a cubical farm, I recommend doing that. Man, it really lightens the mood!

Just don't do it in front of clients.

From the RSS feeds I've read today, I'm likely about to launch into a long rant about stupid politics. Instead, I shall do that tomorrow. I have time to do that tomorrow, you see.

Instead, I shall hunt for a chocolate dinosaur. Easter candy that I misplaced that I wish to eat. So now I must hunt him down.

The dinosaur will know ph34r. And then he will be c0|\|5u/\/\3d.


(He has a peanut butter center! :D)

S'all I've got for today. Good thing too, that crazy bunch of comments about the dinosaur started freaking even me out. So 'til next time, rock on.


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